Way To Go, Girls: Pakistani Women Win Cricket Gold at Asian Games 2010

Posted on November 19, 2010
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Sports, Women
Total Views: 60622

Adil Najam

The Pakistan womens’ cricket T20 team won the gold medal at the Guangzhou Asian Games after a flawless performance throughout the competition. Let me post some pictures from the finals that can do the talking much better than my words:

With India not participating, Pakistan was already the favorite going into the Olympics, but they won in good style and in good cheer. Pakistan beat Bangladesh in the finals to clinch the gold, which followed up on a surprise silver for Pakistan in Wushu yesterday.. The win in meaningful for Pakistan women cricket, Pakistan cricket, for Pakistan women, and for Pakistan itself. One feels good today for all of the above, and more!

39 responses to “Way To Go, Girls: Pakistani Women Win Cricket Gold at Asian Games 2010”

  1. sumaira inayat says:

    hi… i want 2 join women cricket team………..

  2. Amna Tariq says:

    All girls must read this article .Its about the problems which the girls have to face in local buses.
    http://pakistanall.blogspot.com/2011/08/at-some-da ys-of-week-i-get-free-from.html

  3. Amna Tariq says:

    All girls must read this article .Its about the problems which the girls have to face in local buses.
    http://pakistanall.blogspot.com/2011/08/at-some-da ys-of-week-i-get-free-from.html

  4. Asma says:

    mujhey bhi pakistani team join karna hai kaise

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