There’s a 9/11, 26/11 and 7/7. Then there’s Everyday in Pakistan.

Posted on May 24, 2011
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Law & Justice, Media Matters, Society
Total Views: 80962

Adil Najam

The headline is actually a tweet that has been floating around since the attack on Mehran Naval Aviation Base in Karachi two days ago. As far as I can tell it originated from @thekarachikid. Short. Pithy. Poignant. Depicting a truth that Pakistanis can feel in their bones.

The power of the statement is that the sentiment requires no elaboration. However, it does invite introspection. And, maybe, one question: Everyday in Pakistan does now feel like 9/11. 26/11 and 7/7; but what about the day after everyday? Do Pakistanis react to the day after everyday, the way others reacted to 9/11. 26/11 and 7/7? If not, then why not?

36 responses to “There’s a 9/11, 26/11 and 7/7. Then there’s Everyday in Pakistan.”

  1. ctpcgwuwy ckmxq rsoxiij etoc ydgwanxuvsjntbo

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