ATP Quiz: Who is this man? And why is he on Pakistaniat?

Posted on April 15, 2007
Filed Under >Adil Najam, ATP Quiz, People
Total Views: 26414

Adil Najam

I suspect that the majority of our readers have never even heard of the man featured in these photographs. However, I am quite sure that some here are very familiar with this man and his works, even though they may be less familiar with these particular photographs.

There is another portrait photograph of his that is quite well known and would have made this easier. But, that is from well before he had anything to do with Pakistan. Of the photographs above: the one on the left is from his last years, and the one on the right is a group photograph taken soon after the creation of Pakistan (he is seated center) when he headed a body of experts that discussed ideas about the shape of Pakistan’s constitution (amongst other things).

I guess I have already given the key clue in the paragraph above. But if you are still not sure, focus on the second half of the headline. This was a man who was born in Europe, died in America, became famous for his adventures and work that had very little to nothing to do with Pakistan, and yet for a critical period in his own life and that of our country, he saw himself very much as a Pakistani; as did Pakistan.

14 responses to “ATP Quiz: Who is this man? And why is he on Pakistaniat?”

  1. Watan Aziz says:

    ATP, minor correction, Muhammad Asad died in Spain.

    Towards the end of his life, Asad moved to Spain and lived there with his third wife, Pola Hamida Asad, also a convert to Islam, until his death on 23 February 1992 at the age of 92. He was buried in the Muslim cemetery of Granada in the former Moorish province of Andalusia, Spain. (Source: Wiki)

    His service to both Islam and Pakistan is a class by itself.

    And it also goes to say with humility, that Pakistan has produced some of the finest translations of Qur’an. A testament to the middle of the road ways of Pakistanis.

  2. I was surprised to hear about this man I am more surprised to know also that one of his books was spaed by the cultural minstry of Arabia aoudia. Gid forgive I do not want judge any one, however, we should as Muslims encourage such books and encourage the right and the closess translation from english to arabic God knows how much we are in need of such translation.

  3. Since most people have correctly guessed the person in the photographs, this post is now close.

    A followup post on Muhammad Asad continues the discussion on him and his connection to Pakistan, here.

  4. YLH says:

    My first guess would have been Sir Ivor Jennings… but clearly I am wrong.

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