Harnessing Wind Energy in Baldia Town

Posted on May 29, 2008
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, Science and Technology
Total Views: 98651

Owais Mughal

Following photo appeared in both Jang and Dawn of May 29, 2008. It shows residents of Baldia Town Karachi have resorted to harnessing Wind Energy to produce electricity. We’ve discussed Electricity shortage and alternate ways to produce electricity in Pakistan in several posts here. I am happy to see this indiginous effort on part of a middle-class community to control their own destiny where Government has failed to provide for them. Wind is usually in abundance in coastal areas of Pakistan. More communities may emulate this example.

28 responses to “Harnessing Wind Energy in Baldia Town”

  1. Sixpence95 says:

    I think someone like Mustafa Kamal should come up and resolve the electricity problem of our country.

  2. raza says:

    Guyys I think is ma gov. ka members ka koi loss ha. Or else those illiterate parlimentarians don’t know about any technology

  3. Jalal HB says:

    Well Done!! I only wonder why are not ustilising the abundant wind and solar energy despite shortage of electricity? So many studies have been undertaken, sites recognised, yet the government is mum over these two cheapest forms of electricity. Holland is using wind energy since ages even when very primitive means of wind turbines were used.

    May be it is time for the ordinary people to get up and follow the example of baldia Town.

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