Picture of the Day: Musharraf Salutes Imran Khan!

Posted on November 24, 2008
Filed Under >Darwaish, Humor, Photo of the Day, Politics
Total Views: 86643


I am sure many of ATP readers will be surprised to see this photograph in which former President Musharraf is saluting his most vocal critic Imran Khan.

Before you jump onto conclusions, let me tell you that this photograph is said to be taken during a fund raising event doe the Shaukat Khannum Memorial Hospital sometime in 2000-01. It was the time when Imran Khan’s PTI supported Musharraf and he was a reportedly hot favorite candidate for Prime Ministership.

Do you think the photograph is real? Imran Khan actually mentioned this one in many of his speeches in US recently. Watch the part of his speech after 4 minutes and 50 seconds in a video here. And if it is, what does it tell us about Gen. Musharraf. Or about Imran Khan.

42 responses to “Picture of the Day: Musharraf Salutes Imran Khan!”

  1. World Food says:

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  2. Waqar says:

    Regarding the question that what do we make of this picture….We all know when Mushraff came he was doing stuff that was good regarding education and his strong stance on different issues….So like everybody amongst us he was like by Imran Khan too….but what happened after that we all know …the craziness of power took him and he was strayed form the path he was treading before….Imran Khan confess that he has made mistake…If we can forget about mistakes of the bald duo’s who know best how to make money from Politics and the betraying PPP….then this is nthin compared to that…Moreover he became the strongest protester afterwards..!

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