Where is the Pakistan Military Headed?

Posted on October 11, 2009
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Law & Justice, Politics
Total Views: 49740

Adil Najam

The military is never really out of the news in Pakistan. Nor is it ever far from the center of Pakistan politics. But recent event have brought the question of where the Pakistan military is headed into even sharper relief than usual.

There is much speculation – maybe too much speculation – on where the Pakistan military is headed in the coming days and weeks.

There are some who argue that following the attack on the GHQ the military will act even more swiftly on extremists in Pakistan – whether in the Waziristan region or in Southern Punjab. Others feel that the furore created by the Kerry-Lugar Bill has so poisoned the civil-military relationship in Pakistan that even the immediate future of Pakistan’s political displacements may (again) be in doubt. Yet others would argue that while the tensions are all real, the military is in that phase that comes after each prolonged period of military rule when it prefers to remain in the political background while it consolidates its public image.

My own current sense is that there may be some truth in all three scenarios. Possibly in a combination of the three. Of course, there could be other directions in the mix too. What do you think? Where is the Pakistan military headed in the next many days? And what does that mean about where Pakistan is headed?

71 responses to “Where is the Pakistan Military Headed?”

  1. Obaid says:


    Don’t worry, Army is giving ample time to terrorists in Waziristan to move away to other parts of the country before starting “operation”. Only those who are stupid enough to remain in Waziristan would be dealt with. Even those who are caught will later be released by courts or under deals.

    It’s not in Army’s interest to get rid of these terrorists. For one it needs strategic depth in the neighbourhood, and second it can always keep the nation scared to keep giving it massive budget year on year. General Kiyani’s hefty pension and privileges are safe as long as these terrorists exist. While these terrorists are being “dealt with” in north, more are being created with Army’s knowledge in southern Punjab and other places. Watch Mubashar Luqman’s program from last night (Monday) where DG Rangers Punjab admits there are madrassas in southern Punjab (and names of some of these madrassas were named) who are involved in illegitimate activities and foreign diplomatic officials visit these madrassas for support.

    This is a game, being played on the naïve people of Pakistan.

    But rest assured your favourite terrorists are safe.

  2. shakeel says:

    People like Usman is exactly why we cant win this war.

    Enough said.

  3. Asif says:

    It’s hilarious reading the comments of people praising the army and ISI in one shape form or fashion or another. These are the same retards that view every attack in Pakistan as a zionist/hindu/american/maoist/gypsy/goat lovers/you name it conspiracy. Ignore the fact that the kerry luger bill attempts to subordinate the army under a civilian administration or that a weak army and a strong taliban are not in America’s or any other nations favor. It’s funny to see all these army/ISI loving patriots now singing it’s praises after a civilian government came into power. We forget sometimes that army has been in power almsot 80% of the time in Pakistan and has done shit for this country except losing one half of it in ’71, starting 3 non sensical losing wars with India and forgetting to do what its primary job is which is fighting. They’re to busy managing DHA, running factories and pan shops. They are a disgrace to this country and it just boils my blood when I read articles defending them. I wonder if these people are on the armies payroll or jsut been brainwashed so much by schooling in Pakistan that they cannot tell right from wrong. Don’t get me wrong, I support the army operation against the talibans wholeheartedly, it just that they have done a lot of things wrong and need to be put in their place. No matter how big the balls get, they always need to be under the you know what! Get your heads out of your behinds folks, we need the army but we don’t need to lick their boots. The deal is that we will respect and love them if they protect us, not rule over us as lordships. When they learn to do their one and only job properly then and only then do they deserve our respect and admiration.

  4. r says:

    Your comments carry some weight and I agree with your thoughts.
    Remember a couple of years back,Waziristan had turned its guns only on the US forces in afghanistan and Pakistan was reluctant to engage them even though not a day passed when Pentagon did not urge Pakistan to go engage them.There was no reason to do that.
    Then suddenly Waziristan turned its guns against Pakistani forces,suicide attacks increased manifold.Some militants arrested were found using weapons used by NATO.The US then gave a wierd logic that these weapons could probably have been sold by Karzai government to the militants and thus ended up in Pakistan.
    Musharraf was removed and enter Zardari who announces operation in waziristan and atleast two aid bills passed quickly.Now Pakistan is back in the good books now that the army has decided to send forces to Waziristan,something the Pentagon had been demanding for years.

  5. Rabia Shawn says:

    Military is the main problem. They still control all politicians, TV Media and every other institution. Instead of reflecting on its mistakes and inability to protoect GHQ, it has a luanched a huge PR campaign to spin the event in its favor. And the media is bending backward to accomodate this.

    Come on media! Why don’t you ask tough questions? Why this happened? Who is responsible? How many more incidents like this will happen? They arrest these terrorists all the time, why can’t they cut the source of all terror? Or is it that they don’t want to?

    Matter of fact is. Pakistanies are sheep and they will be led by Wolf, be that Military, CIA or Taliban.

    Remember Miliary, CIA and Taliban were all partners very very recently.

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