Where is the Pakistan Military Headed?

Posted on October 11, 2009
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Law & Justice, Politics
Total Views: 49684

Adil Najam

The military is never really out of the news in Pakistan. Nor is it ever far from the center of Pakistan politics. But recent event have brought the question of where the Pakistan military is headed into even sharper relief than usual.

There is much speculation – maybe too much speculation – on where the Pakistan military is headed in the coming days and weeks.

There are some who argue that following the attack on the GHQ the military will act even more swiftly on extremists in Pakistan – whether in the Waziristan region or in Southern Punjab. Others feel that the furore created by the Kerry-Lugar Bill has so poisoned the civil-military relationship in Pakistan that even the immediate future of Pakistan’s political displacements may (again) be in doubt. Yet others would argue that while the tensions are all real, the military is in that phase that comes after each prolonged period of military rule when it prefers to remain in the political background while it consolidates its public image.

My own current sense is that there may be some truth in all three scenarios. Possibly in a combination of the three. Of course, there could be other directions in the mix too. What do you think? Where is the Pakistan military headed in the next many days? And what does that mean about where Pakistan is headed?

71 responses to “Where is the Pakistan Military Headed?”

  1. Syed says:

    Ironically the picture says it all “the Army on one hand is trying to fight it out going in one direction and the limo is headed to another direction”! Tailpiece – even in these times the limo is not heading in the right direction!

  2. Asif says:

    @Aamir and other army lovers of Pakistan

    You say you have no appetite for jokers such as Sharif’s, Zardari, Bhuttos, Leghari’s, etc etc. List is long and I have the name of a few other political actors that should be here as well. Agreed completely! But what about the jokers on the other side. Is anyone forgetting Mushy, Zia, Ayub, Yahya Khan? Were these not jokers? Brother, problem is when the Zardari’s and Sharif’s are in power at the worst they can loot our country and people, destroy the economy, rape and plunder etc etc. But when you bring in the army in the equation you can also add destruction of the army to the equation. Reason is simple, any institution, organization, company is successful as long as it stays focused on one highly specific task. You know Toyota is going to fail as a car company when it enters the market selling shampoo. Army should focus on its job which is defending the country from EXTERNAL threats. Let these politicians run their corrupt schemes and let them finish their terms so they cannot say at the end that “saai haamaay kaam karnaay kaa mouqaa hee naheen milla”. This democratic wheel has to keep turning for it to become effective. India has a much higher poor and illiterate population yet they keep electing one efficient government after anothery. Guys, these were our countrymen not to long ago. People of Pakistan can do the same, they just need to be given a chance. Unfortunately like a lion that has tasted human blood, Pak army will not let go that easily. We need to shame them, if thats the least we can do.
    Disclaimer: Half my family is in the army.

  3. rizwan says:

    “You are the largest Muslim military power from Central Asia to the Indian Ocean and its you who have to take care of the Muslims of this region.”

    @Usman: Are you for real? Dude, the challenge before us is our own survival. Are we in a position to take care of even ourselves?

    Don’t delude yourself by the grand dreams of rescuing believers from the evil clutches of kuffar. Those days are gone. If we are able to take care of ourselves, that should be enough. And what is this non-sense about Muslims vs. kuffars? Look outside your window. How many kuffars do you see out in the street trying to destroy Islam? All I see in Pakistan is Muslims vs. Muslims, or more accurately humans vs. humans. Where did you get the idea of some grand battle going on in Pakistan to defend Islam?

  4. basheer says:

    I think the army has no appetite for politics right now. It is best for Army adn for country if it fights the Taliban and stays out of politics.

  5. Aamir Ali says:

    Army has ruled the country for half its period with civilians ruling for the other half. While accusing army supporters of being blind, I think you are also blind to the crimes, corruption and negligence of Pakistani politicians, who have been part and parcel of army rule and blunders which hurt Pakistan.

    We are supporters of the Army because it is an organized and well-functioning part of the dysfunctional Pakistani state, and because it is common sense to support Armed Forces in the face of internal and external dangers.

    I don’t regard Zardari, Nawaz Sharif or the jokers who brought us Nizam-e-Adl in Swat as being either capable, or even interested in defense or foreign policy affairs. They are in politics for status and to make money.

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