Website: Wildlife of Pakistan

Posted on February 11, 2009
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, Environment
Total Views: 86179

Owais Mughal

I recently came across this wonderful website about the Wildlife of Pakistan. It is seldom that I come across a website which I feel obliged to share with our readership, but this one is indeed the trend setter. What impressed me that most is that it displays a very well researched material, which is also very up to date. It is a rarity in my opinion, to find this unique topic about Pakistan on the web, hence here is my piece of spreading the word around.

OK, now without further ado, here it is: Wildlife of Pakistan: Journey from the Karakoram to the Arabian Sea. The site is run by Sheikh Nausherwan Sarshar Ahmed who currently lives in Iowa, USA.

Another thing that attracted me to the site was its upto date listing of National Parks of Pakistan, Wildlife Sanctuaries of Pakistan, Game Reserves, wetlands and Zoos of Pakistan.

I will let our readers explore the site further but I wanted to mention that it also has a treasure of information on biodiversity as well as wildlife conservation effort in Pakistan. For example did you know that Pakistan has a variety of 188 Mammals, 668 Birds, 195 Reptiles, 22 Amphibians, 525 types of Fish and over 20,000 Insects/Invertebrates? OR did you know the animal population for Karachi Zoo since 1994-95? You’ll find all these detailed information here.

Hopefully you’ll like it.

19 responses to “Website: Wildlife of Pakistan”

  1. ayesha sheikh says:

    to save animals;1st of all we should save animals by providing them free freedom….this is the main thing that we ignore and kills any animal for our time pas or that happiness which i dont think give them any happiness but we should ignore predating animals…it also hurts

  2. Tahseen Maqsood says:

    plz call my father on free visa we do not have sufficent money but are interested to work in foriegn countries

  3. maqsood ahmad says:

    i am veterinary doctor and i am very much interested in wwf let me know how i can become the member of wwf

  4. Dr Ahsan says:

    Assalam o alikum

    I am Dr Ahsan from Abbottabad Pakistan. Apart from being an ENT surgeon I also do wildlife art as I am a real wildlife enthusiast and sport hunter as well. I have been doing wildlife paintings since childhood and also work for conservation projects in Pakistan and abroad including WWF-P. Just recently I joined Artists for Nature Conservation Canada and became a member.

    My website is

    Or follow the link

    As I work for awareness and conservation I will be really honored if there is anything I can contribute for Pakistan’s wildlife.




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