ATP Poll: Share Your Predictions for 2010

Posted on December 31, 2009
Filed Under >Adil Najam, ATP Poll, Economy & Development, Foreign Relations, Law & Justice, Politics, Society, Sports
Total Views: 107891

Adil Najam

Following our tradition from last year, and despite the rather spotty record, we once again ask our readers to predict what might have transpired between now and when the last day of 2010 rolls around. We give here a bunch of possibilities, which of these – multiple answers are OK – do you think would have come true between now and the end of 2010.

This is a blog poll – and its should be taken no more seriously than that. Our purpose is to facilitate discussion and reflection; there is very little about it that is scientific. We have come up with a list of 15 possible news stories that could become big in 2010. Some of these, if they were to transpire, would be desirable developments; some clearly not. These may not be the most ‘likely’ stories of 2009. They are merely our list of some interesting possibilities in multiple domains. The list is, by definition, subjective. One hopes it is also reflective and will lead to reflection by our readers. We have no doubt that there will be other stories that could and will become big in 2010. Feel welcome to discuss those in your comments.

37 responses to “ATP Poll: Share Your Predictions for 2010”

  1. Aamir Ali says:

    Who is going to put Musharraf on trial ? The same PCO judges like Iftikhar Chaudhry who validated his coups and gave him permission to play with the constitution? What a joke-trial that would be.

    Regarding Zardari, noone has ever been able to convict him in any court in Pakistan and noone certainly will during the tenure of the PPP govt.

    Waziristan and all other military operations must continue until terrorists are defeated and wiped out, regardless of how much the Punjab doesn’t like it.

  2. Fahad Qazi says:

    Pakistan becomes Permanent Member of UNSC and fully recognised SuperPower.

    Pakistan start’s working on Kalabagh Dam and all other major projects start and complete pending projects.

    Pakistan launches it’s first satellite.

    No Electricity Shortages at all and Gas agreement with Iran results in additional supply of CNG for our industry.

    Corrupt and malicious Politicians should be thrown out of the Country so that they’ll never ever interfere with the future generations of Pakistan. No corrupt Politician will be allowed again to participate in Politics (directly or Indirectly).

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