ATP Poll: Share Your Predictions for 2010

Posted on December 31, 2009
Filed Under >Adil Najam, ATP Poll, Economy & Development, Foreign Relations, Law & Justice, Politics, Society, Sports
Total Views: 104939

Adil Najam

Following our tradition from last year, and despite the rather spotty record, we once again ask our readers to predict what might have transpired between now and when the last day of 2010 rolls around. We give here a bunch of possibilities, which of these – multiple answers are OK – do you think would have come true between now and the end of 2010.

This is a blog poll – and its should be taken no more seriously than that. Our purpose is to facilitate discussion and reflection; there is very little about it that is scientific. We have come up with a list of 15 possible news stories that could become big in 2010. Some of these, if they were to transpire, would be desirable developments; some clearly not. These may not be the most ‘likely’ stories of 2009. They are merely our list of some interesting possibilities in multiple domains. The list is, by definition, subjective. One hopes it is also reflective and will lead to reflection by our readers. We have no doubt that there will be other stories that could and will become big in 2010. Feel welcome to discuss those in your comments.

37 responses to “ATP Poll: Share Your Predictions for 2010”

  1. Viqar Minai says:

    None of the options in the poll seems very likely to me. Nos. 2, 6, 8, and 15 are especially unlikely (with next to no chance of happening). Mercifully, 2010 looks to me like the make or break year for Pakistan. Either the nation will begin to come out of the nightmare of the past decade, or it will rapidly sink into major political upheaval in Pakistan. One way or the other things will move towards an ultimate resolution.

  2. ShahidnUSA says:

    “Best” education for “everyone” is the best revenge.


  3. Aziz says:

    Load shedding will end? Seriously? I know the list has no scientific study attached to it but come on…you really thing load shedding will end?

    On the other hand, I truly believe Pakistan will become a major defense exporter including high tech weapons, tanks, UAVs and fighter jets. It will also increase its agricultural exports due to new scientific ways of growing crops.

  4. Sindbad says:

    Why have’t we had an analysis on an earlier poll on NRO. Is it because it was not to the liking of ATP admin?

  5. Inqilaab says:

    In my opinion, none of the options are likely to pan out. Perhaps add a repeal of 17th amendment on the list. Given the pace of our government, and the amount of pressure levied on it, the only thing it may do in the entirety of next year is repeal the 17th amendment. God knows governance is unlikely.

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