ATP Poll: Share Your Predictions for 2010

Posted on December 31, 2009
Filed Under >Adil Najam, ATP Poll, Economy & Development, Foreign Relations, Law & Justice, Politics, Society, Sports
Total Views: 104864

Adil Najam

Following our tradition from last year, and despite the rather spotty record, we once again ask our readers to predict what might have transpired between now and when the last day of 2010 rolls around. We give here a bunch of possibilities, which of these – multiple answers are OK – do you think would have come true between now and the end of 2010.

This is a blog poll – and its should be taken no more seriously than that. Our purpose is to facilitate discussion and reflection; there is very little about it that is scientific. We have come up with a list of 15 possible news stories that could become big in 2010. Some of these, if they were to transpire, would be desirable developments; some clearly not. These may not be the most ‘likely’ stories of 2009. They are merely our list of some interesting possibilities in multiple domains. The list is, by definition, subjective. One hopes it is also reflective and will lead to reflection by our readers. We have no doubt that there will be other stories that could and will become big in 2010. Feel welcome to discuss those in your comments.

37 responses to “ATP Poll: Share Your Predictions for 2010”

  1. wsd says:

    Well in terms of politics I think, Zaradri will be gone ,PPP gov will fall, a mid term election and/or a national govt ( includingPPP) will be formed for some time.
    I also think that Tehreek e Insaf and Imran khan will gain considerable ground.

  2. AHR says:

    It has of late become frustrating to read the newspapers in Pakistan. If the once a week suicide bombings are not bad enough, there is a constant Zardari bashing in the news. I understand the resentment towards him, and to some extent even comprehend why so many individuals constantly write against President Zardari. However, the question that I have is what good comes out of it? If you can tell me that by having Zardari removed, we will see peace in Pakistan, the bombings will cease, inflation will come down, the poor will be looked after and all other social problems will be quelled, than I will jump on the anti-Zardari bandwagon. But until then, zip it! ith-zardari/

  3. sikander says:

    Every night has its day. Pakistan is a normal country like any other civilised country but has been hijacked by the animals like Taliban. They wont succeed as they have spilled so much blood in Pakistan that the man on the street has nothing but hatred for them.

  4. Viqar Minai says:

    My eyes are playing tricks on me. Here is my “most unlikely” list of happenings:

    US drone strikes on Pakistan end
    Pakistan becomes a dominant cricket power
    Load-shedding in Pakistan ends
    Pakistan economy dramatically improved in 2010

  5. Viqar Minai says:

    Sorry, it should be Nos. 3, 4, 6, and 9 which are very unlikely.

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