Picture of the Day: In Control

Posted on July 18, 2006
Filed Under Law & Justice, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 22772

Meet Zamir Ulhaq, 34 years old when this picture was taken (in 2001), originally from Faisalabad, directing traffic at Zarghoon Road, Quetta.

When I was very young (as young as my son now is), I wanted to grow up to be this man (or someone like him). And why not. This police cop wears a kool uniform, is obviously in control, has a whistle that he can blow whenever he wants, and people listen to him (well, some people, sometime).

Obviously, I did not know then just how difficult his job is and how under-appreciated he is. I do now.

(The photograph is by Vincent Laforet, first published in the New York Times, and found here).

P.S. I know my friend Suleman is going to say I am too soft on ‘tullas’ but I wanted to put this picture today, partly as a tribute to the ASI who stopped the arrogant MNA from Karachi.

9 responses to “Picture of the Day: In Control”

  1. iFaqeer says:

    You need a study to tell you the answer?

  2. Ismail says:

    Does anyone know exactly what a traffic constable in Pakistan makes per month?
    It would be an interesting study to see just how much that is and whether a decent lifestyle can be maintained in that amount.

  3. Naveed says:

    adil, please confirm if you have access to v.g.kiernan’s book containing select translation of faiz else it would be my pleasure to share a few gems with you

  4. Adil Najam says:

    Thanks for thsi reminder of ‘reality’ Naveed….. your mention of Faiz’s ‘dehkan kay naam’, reminded me of an earlier ATP post:
    https://pakistaniat.wordpress.com/2006/06/19/pictu re-of-the-day-baadshah-i-jahan/

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