Picture of the Day: Are You Impressed, Or Disturbed?

Posted on May 17, 2007
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Economy & Development, Law & Justice, Photo of the Day, Society
Total Views: 30704

Adil Najam

We at ATP have always had a fascination for peculiarly ‘Pakistani’ vehicles on Pakistani roads (here, here, here and here). And this picture is as ‘peculiar’ to Pakistan as it gets.

So, are you impressed by the fact that someone could (a) pack such a huge load and (b) drive this vehicle long distances? Or, are you depressed that someone would be ‘allowed’ to do so despite the obvious safety issues that this would raise?

While we have written about such over-loaded vehicles before, and while a part of me certainly says, ‘Wow’, this is no joking matter at all. The accompanying story in Dawn (April 22, 2007) about this and other ways in whcih traffic rules are disregarded is worth reading for exactly this reason.

GUJAR KHAN, April 21: The National Highways and Motorway Police (NHMP) have failed to check traffic violations on the G.T. Road, a survey by this correspondent showed. The oversized loading of iron bars, chaff and other materials on trucks and tractor trolleys; taking turns without proper use of indicators, faulty head and back lights, faulty brake lights, overloading on public vehicles, use of high beams as well as wrong side overtaking are the common violations on the highway.

It was observed that at some points the speed reading cameras were being used but the drivers very well knew these points and reduce the speed while approaching the pickets and soon after they again resort to speeding. According to the commuters, speed checking was merely an exercise to collect fine for the contractors who have become stakeholders of the force.

They said regular patrolling, observation of violations and chasing the carelessly-driven vehicles seemed least concern of the force. The officials sitting in airconditioned cars and vans seldom bothered to go away from the fine collection vans, they added. The road users pointed out that in a beat area the presence of the NHMP was on one side of the dual carriageway, which let the violators on the other side of the road go unchecked.

Furthermore, in the urban areas of Gujar Khan, Sohawa and Jhelum, there are some U-turns designed without proper survey which have become notorious for fatal accidents. The traffic rule violations at these U-turns also go unnoticed. The road users complained that the helpline numbers at the camp offices of NHMP remained under the official use and the callers in distress failed to connect it on time. They urged the ministry of communication to improve the working of the National Highways and Motorway Police in order to ensure road safety between Rawalpindi and Lahore.

15 responses to “Picture of the Day: Are You Impressed, Or Disturbed?”

  1. Irfan NHMP Officer says:

    I am an officer in Motorway Police, Khanewal. I would agree with cmments given by Babby. It is really disturbing and a major traffic violation. We impose heavy fines on them in each beat area but in vain. During fog and low viribility we dont allow them on road and we bound them on pumps etc. U may discuss with me at 03455159104. U all may notice that NHMP have eradicated more dangerous trucks with oves sized iron bars. Keep Trust.

  2. Pakistan Zindabad says:

    I am disturbed. This could create serious accidents. Similar scenes can be seen in the area of middle punjab every day in the season of sugar canes. In this season there is a lot of fog in the night and the trolleys full of sugar canes travel in the night on the single road and many of them dont even have reflector lights. I have seen this by myself and have witnessed major accidents caused by this.

  3. khairsoomro says:

    Those who call it impressive have not travelled themselves on single road when these chalf carrying tractor trollies not giving way to vehicles coming behind and chalf is getting into eyes of the people around.

  4. iceCube says:

    >>Putting all that cotton (I think) in
    >>there is a great engineering achievement.
    >>And then putting it on the vehicle. And then
    >>driving it.
    >>Must be a Guiness world record in it

    Daktar: Hilarious…!!!

  5. Babbi says:

    Further, The bigger problem is that the trolly behind the tractor doesnt have any brakes (it is built like this) and the tractor brakes are used only. You can very well imagine the load and momentum of the trolley and the force it puts on the tractor while braking hard. 90% of the tractor trolley accidents are due to this reason.

    There must be a ruling by the Government to enforce the installation of brakes in the trolley as well. This I think should be on the priority list.

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