How Many People are on this Motorcycle?

Posted on July 24, 2008
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Photo of the Day, Society
Total Views: 80336

Adil Najam

Pictures of overloaded vehicles are nothing special. Not in Pakistan. And our fascinations for rickshaws (here, here, here, here, here, here) is also well known. So, why yet another rickshaw picture?

Pakistan rickshaw motorcycle overloading

Unless I have it terribly wrong, what we have here is really an ordinary motorcycle – probably not 7occ, maybe more like 140cc (what do you think, Owais?) – that has been retrofitted to become a people-carrier. All very good till here.

But the question is, how many people are riding on this, well, motorcycle? And did they just break any records without even knowing about it?

By my count, there are at least 9 people on this (3 in the front, four in the back, at least 2 hanging), and maybe as many as 12!

Even by Pakistani standards, that is impressive (and really really dangerous!).

Has anyone here seen worse? Or better? [Depending on what you consider worse, or better!]

40 responses to “How Many People are on this Motorcycle?”

  1. Naeem malki says:

    Hello everyone how r u?there r about 15 people in this rickshaws faraz.

  2. Anas Fareedi says:

    Instead of using delapidated machines and hanging like a Langur monkey fashion, why not design our own transportation vehicles. In the city of Gujrat, there exists a lot of fan and other electrical components factories, and in the Darre Adam Khel region, small factories manufacture all type of guns and ammunition.
    Since Karachi, Lahore, Multan, and Wazirabad are all big manufacturing hubs, why can’t we uniquely design our own transportation vehicles, such as the rikshaws we have imported from China.

  3. Sami says:

    I like the heart shaped wind screen,and the color combination is just fantastic and refreshing.Living and hanging on the edge is! what life is about in Pakistan.

  4. hello everyone!
    i live in AUSTRALIA.I love pakistan and i used to travel on this kind of rickshaws.This rickshaws carries 16+ people.I love MALKI ,GUJRAT.NEAR AWAN SHARIF, BARNALA, AAHI ETC.

  5. Zoufishan says:

    What can I say…Us Pakistaniz like living on the edge…or in this case hanging of the edge!!
    This is so dangerous…The drivers of these vehicles are normally CrAzY..they suffer from a severe case of road rage!!

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