Adil Najam
Some of the best political commentary anywhere in the world is done in humor. In Urdu we have a great tradition of political commentary in verse and some of the best poetry (a la Faiz Ahmad Faiz) is of this variety. What I present here is no Faiz – not even close. But it is a fun parody.
I found myself laughing out loud and replaying it immediately. Especially the first minute or so is very good (then, I thought, it became repetitive and maybe too long). But all in all, it is good fun, a nice spoof, and captures an element of truth about Pakistan politics today.
It is from the Geo TV show ‘Hum Sab Umeed Say Hain.’ As I had written earlier, this show along with ‘4-Man Show‘ and some others, is part of a “a new breed of television comedy skit shows – edgy, young, political, and irreverent.” The quality of these shows can be erratic, but I do believe that they are part of Pakistan’s ‘new political reality’ where people are now willing and able to say things out loud that they used to earlier share only with their close friends. (We have been writing about elements of this new political reality at this blog and I recently outlined some of its elements on the radio show Asia Pacific Forum when they interviewed me about this blog in their special August 14 transmission).
Watch geo tvs famous program by following this link.Just for the people of pakistan. -Hai
i wana perform as city nazim syed mustafa kamal
give me the chance ?
We have added a few videos on the Presidential elections to the left hand columns. There is one news report from AlJazera, one campaign ad for Gen. Musharraf and four rather funny paroies from Hum sab umeed say hain
It’s interesting that you say so… Posted from Blogger