St Stephen’s, Banta and Zia-ul-Haq

Posted on September 15, 2009
Total Views: 48623

Soumya Saxena Whenever I have heard the name of Zia-ul-Haq, it was always followed by criticism; whether it was from Indians or Pakistanis I interact with. Let us take a break from it and explore the other side of him which might be unknown to many and about which I came to know from my […]

Pakistani Tourism Posters in India

Posted on September 2, 2009
Total Views: 67557

Soumya Saxena I recently visited a passport agent’s office in India. This agent also ran a travel agency from the same office and had tourism posters of various countries and other states in India pasted on its walls. I was browsing through these posters when one poster took me by surprise. It showed a highly […]