Picture of the Day: In the land of the pure

Posted on July 22, 2006
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Health & Disease, Photo of the Day, Society
Total Views: 16386

What can one say. Lahore, I still love you!

Published in the Daily Times, 21 July, 2006.

13 responses to “Picture of the Day: In the land of the pure”

  1. Aziz Akhmad says:

    Pervaiz, I don’t like the Supreme Court building. It looks nouveau riche to me. It has been built as if to intimidate or impress, not to express anything in particular. Only the wieighing scale emblem on its facade suggests that it might have to do something with justice. (By the way, did you notice the scales are always tilted?)

    Asad, I don’t like the Wapda House building either. It is another monstrosity, standing there as if it were thumbing its nose at the beautiful Punjab Assembly building across the street. It does not belong there. The Wapda House, I mean.

    MSK is right when he says that architecture, like art and music, is a matter of personal taste. But, we all know tastes develop with education, exposure and experience.

  2. MSK says:

    The first lesson of this conversation is that it will be good to have more posts on architecture. I feel the same as Asad about WAPDA House. I do not like it architecturally but I wonder if I can even imagine Lahore without it anymore.

  3. Asad says:

    The building I want to hear view on is WAPDA house in Lahore… I used to hate it… now I think of it like its always been there

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