Picture of the Day: Beating Down Drugs

Posted on June 27, 2006
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Culture & Heritage, Music, Photo of the Day
Total Views: 17732

Adil Najam

June 26 was the International Anti-Drugs Day. This picture, published in the Daily Times (27 June, 2006), was taken at an anti-drugs rally in Islamabad. I thought that the expression on the dholl-wallah’s face was so perfect as was his posture. Its as if he is personally going to ‘beat’ drugs out of the addicts.

3 responses to “Picture of the Day: Beating Down Drugs”

  1. em says:

    hmmm–he looks pretty high to me.

  2. Suleman says:

    Adil you might be looking into the pic too much ;) frankly I think the guy looks constipated and might be wondering where he will find his next gig.
    lol I think drugs might be least of his worries .

  3. Altamash Mir says:

    great to hear that stuff like this is happening in Pakistan…

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