Ambula Inc. ??

Posted on September 13, 2007
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, Humor, Photo of the Day, Pinglish
Total Views: 36774

Owais Mughal

At ATP we love to talk about the language/signs/poetry written on Pakistani tansport. For example see here, here and here. Following is another example of our very own Pinglish. In case of an emergency, don’t call for an ambulance, call for Ambula Inc. !!

Photo Credits: Raja Islam

6 responses to “Ambula Inc. ??”

  1. Rafay Kashmiri says:

    Wrong English spelling , what about “fantastic” Urdu spoken
    in our National Assembly or on the street ??. You know how
    “Ibn-e-Rush” is written in European langueages ???? Avoreos.

    English is our master’s language so even the sign-boards has to be ” perfect”.

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