Chief Justice Case: Is Something About To Happen?

Posted on April 24, 2007
Filed Under >Adil Najam, Law & Justice, Politics
Total Views: 54085

Adil Najam

Over the last number of weeks now we have quietly followed the news on the Chief Justice’s removal case even as the paishis keep happening but also keep getting postponed.

That may happen again today but it should be clear by now to everyone that this issue is not going to die away and as it winds through the system, instead of other (very dramatic) news eroding the importance of this case, the symbolic value of Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry’s stand is actually increasing.

The lawyers will be at the court once again today. Once again there is talk of protests and showdowns. Once again, the likely result is of hearings being postponed. But important events also continue unfolding even as this happens.

A few that are worth reminding ourselves of include:

A bench of the Supreme Court has now served notice on President Pervez Musharraf on the CJ’s petition challenging the filing of a reference against him.

Prominent lawyer Sharifuddin Pirzada has agreed to represent the government in the Supreme Court on the issue, after having declined to do so earlier.

PML-Q is planning a major demonstration in response to the anti-government demonstrations on the issue and, reportedly, has brought in its supporters from other cities for this. There are indications that we may be in for a ‘clash of the protestors’ today.

The National Assembly saw an uproar over the judiciary issue and there were heated exchanges between government and oposition leaders on the CJ issue; not surprisingly, Law Minister Wasi Zafar was in the forefront of trying to suppress the debate.

Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry continues to attract much support and large crowds, especially within the lawyer community, including judges.

Acting Chief Justice Rana Bhagwandas continues to talk the nation ‘will hear good news soon’ line, but it remains clear what that might really mean.

Piecing together the puzzle and making sense of it all is, of course, leading to much speculation everywhere and by everyone. Much of it is exactly that – speculation. But one thing is clear; this case has taken on a life that is bigger than either Gen. Musharraf or Justice Iftikhar would have imagined it would have when things started unravelling three weeks ago.

40 responses to “Chief Justice Case: Is Something About To Happen?”

  1. Watan Aziz says:

    Piecing together the puzzle and making sense of it all is, of course, leading to much speculation everywhere and by everyone. Much of it is exactly that – speculation.

    And we should resist the urge to indulge in both the speculation and the gossip.

    Take a position based on reason and conviction, or hold your peace.

  2. ali m.m. khan says:

    Just for your information…..I had no idea of this face painting episode until i heard /saw a clip on CNN here in the USA…Also, fyi, the recent developements of pakistan have receveid almost zero converage on CNN but this made it to the news…

  3. Sami-ul-Haq says:

    It has since on 9th March, 2007 been brought to the notice of everybody that the Chief Justice of Pakistan Mr. Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudry was suspended by the Presidential refrence. However, the 13 member bench have come to the final stage that counsil for the fedration and certainly President Gen Pervez Musharraf could not despitach any adduce to the bench. It is further notified that it’s indeed aggravated for Government.

    Despite all that has been said the fact that the results have so for been well worth the efforts for Chief Justice and Rana Bagwan Dass is continue that nation will be soon hearing good news from which has been exppected by us. ( Insha Allah )


  4. Aatif says:

    What ever is happening is just ridiculous. Musharaf is not a bad person but over confidence and power makes you take wrong decisions.

    As far as religion is a concern for some in Pakistan “ Its between a man and the Godâ€

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