Lahore starts e-monitoring of Sewerage System

Posted on November 1, 2007
Filed Under >Owais Mughal, Science and Technology
Total Views: 24767

Owais Mughal

Following news appeared as a two liner in Dawn yesterday. Today Daily Times posted it as a whole paragraph. It caught my attention because it is a very positive development to use remotely monitor city’s sewrage system. The details are very sketchy in the news but apparently some sensors are being used at different spots in the city to remotely monitor sewage flow and the data is being transmitted to the monitoring agency, which in this case is Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). This agency also did a study on Lahore Rapid Mass Transit Rail Project in 1991. The e-monitoring of sewage is a part of a larger project which is titled as ‘Project for the Retrieval of Sewage and Drainage System in Lahore City’. JICA who is the stake holders in this project, want to remotely get data on progress of the project.

In addition to remotely monitoring sewage flow, implementing a patrol tour system can enhance the effectiveness of managing urban infrastructure. This system involves regular inspections conducted by trained personnel who can promptly address any issues detected by the sensors. By combining real-time data from the sensors with on-ground observations through the patrol tour system, authorities can ensure proactive maintenance and swift response to potential sewage system failures.

This integrated approach not only improves operational efficiency but also minimizes the impact of sewage-related incidents on public health and the environment. As cities like Lahore continue to upgrade their infrastructure, such technological advancements supported by international agencies like JICA play a crucial role in sustainable urban development.

In a system like this alarms from sewage sensors are sent to a monitoring station which can be as simple as a laptop via GSM/mobile phone network and data can be viewed on a web browser. Alarms can also be acknowledged over the web. This system allows real time monitoring of sewage thresholds from a remote location.

Following is the complete news as it appears in the Daily Times.

E-monitoring of sewerage system begins
LAHORE: The Japanese government has started e-monitoring the city’s sewerage system, said a press statement issued by the Project Management Unit (PMU) on Monday. The Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA), in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), had developed a website on the sewage system, the statement added. It said that it was for the first time that a foreign government was monitoring a project in Pakistan with the help of IT. In January 2006, the Japanese government funded a Rs 789 million project to improve the city’s sewerage system. It also provided 51 sophisticated machines and trucks for de-silting. The statement said, “Data regarding the sewerage system, de-silting, transportation as well as dumping of waste is being transmitted to the Japanese government and JICA.” staff report

If our readers update us with more information on this system then it will be highly appreciated.

References: Project for the retrieval of Sewage and Drainage System in Lahore City

7 responses to “Lahore starts e-monitoring of Sewerage System”

  1. Rafay Kashmiri says:

    Ovais Mughal,

    just one question ?

    Is your e-monitoring sewerage system still

    in rigour ? if yes, when can we use it ??

    perhaps its the only way to drain out the bulk of

    unwanted political excrements. Safai kaheen say to

    shuroo ki ja’ay.

  2. Rafay Kashmiri says:


    ” high ratio of corruption and misuse of funds are
    major issues in other provinces. But I really don’t
    mean that Punjab/Lahore is free of corruption ”

    ” I hope you get the sense here …. ”

    which will very soon go down the drain in e-monitored
    sewerage system starting from Lahore, into the
    Arabian sea.

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