ATP Quiz: What is This and Where in Pakistan?

Posted on February 13, 2008
Filed Under >Darwaish, ATP Quiz, Culture & Heritage, History
Total Views: 27874


I think many ATP readers might find this one very interesting. This is an ancient rock picture located somewhere in Pakistan. Can you guess what is it and exactly where? In case you know about it, please share as many details as you can. I must tell you though that the current status of this rock picture is unfortunate and sad.Happy guessing.

Note: We will let you know about the photographer and his website after few days.

20 responses to “ATP Quiz: What is This and Where in Pakistan?”

  1. Saira Rafiq says:

    What happened to my previous comment?

    I have no idea but I cant wait to find out what it is. This is one of the best Pakistani forums I have ever seen on internet. You guys are doing great job! Keep it up.

  2. Ali says:

    Hunza valley? Baltistan?

    Am i right?

  3. jaded says:

    Fed Up with Cynicism — I dont know what you are trying to say if you think iam cynical then you are wrong i just pointed out that people have just got fed up of theocratic nature of your country its either my way or highway and thats not the way how things work in this world … if you guys are hell bent on destroying your cultural treasures by naming it as work of “culturally sensitive crowd ” then its a facade which really does not work any longer … learn to admit that you guys have terrible faulted in taking care of other religions artefacts

  4. Manzoor says:

    Some where in Northern areas

  5. Kristen Young says:

    Janeeta is right. This is the Chilas stupa. I had the privilege of bring there and seeing it myself in 1998. I find it hard to believe that such hospitable and lovely people have turned violent as you guys are describing. It is unfortunate indeed.

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