ATP Poll: What Will be the Impacts of 2006?

Posted on December 23, 2006
Filed Under >Adil Najam, ATP Poll, Politics, Society
Total Views: 34178

Adil Najam

Its time to take stock of the year 2006. Its also time for another ATP Poll.

We did think of doing something around a ‘Person of the Year’ theme and I even thought of a few possible candidates (here, here and here). But that seemed too obvious, and more likely to turn into a popularity contest rather than a thought-provoking discussion.

Instead, we want to focus on the following question:


Our desire is to have the focus not just on what has happened in 2006, but in the implication of what happened in 2006 on the FUTURE of Pakistan. The emphasis is clearly on the future, and we hope to have a good discussion on why, which trend will impact the future of Pakistan, how.

(An explanation of what we mean by each choice is given below; because of a cache plug-in your vote may not appear in the results immediately.)

Unlike previous ATP Polls (on women rights, Gen. Musharraf’s future, past leaders, and Gen. Musharraf’s performance), the challenge here is not in phrasing the question but in figuring out possible options for the answer. Since we do not have the technological ability to allow readers to add their own options, we have narrowed down the list to the following ten key events and event-related trends. We are sure other things that could have been added to this, but without wanting to make this too long, too unwieldy or too broad, we have decided upon the following possible events and trends as answer choices. (Some of are very directly related to a specific event but signifying broader underlying trends; others are broader trends that relate to a collectivity of multiple smaller events.)

Movement on Pakistan-India relations (also here and here), especially including recent moves by Pakistan on Kashmir and related improvements in Pakistan-India relations.

Hiccups in Pakistan-USA relations (also here), including Pres. Bush’s visit to India and Pakistan and Gen. Musharraf’s visit to USA.

Frictions in Pakistan-Afghanistan relations, including the re-rise of Taliban.

The killing of Nawab Akbar Bugti (also here) and the continuing unrest and volatility in Balochistan.

Signs of an impending break-up of the Mutihadda Majlis-i-Amal (MMA), including over the resignation issue.

Positive economic trends, including rise of foreign investments in Pakistan (including for high visibility projects like the Centaurus), strength in some service sectors like telecommunication and banking, etc.

Negative economic trends, including rise in cost of living, inflationary pressures, stock-market controversies, etc.

Continuation of sectarianism and sectarian violence, including various attacks during first part of the year.

The passage of the Womens’ Rights Bill (also, here and here) and related events signifying a change in role of women in society (here, here and here).

Changes being brought into education curriculum and other educational reform, including how other communities and religions are portrayed within historical and other texts.

If you do want to influence the results, please, by all means ask your friends to also vote. Feel welcome to use the ‘Email’ button at the very top to send to your friends.

Voting is anonymous; as it should be. This is, of course, not be a very scientific poll, but it will at least give us a sense of what this community � the ATP cohort � thinks. Do vote, but please vote only once (even if you are smart enough to beat the system somehow).

47 responses to “ATP Poll: What Will be the Impacts of 2006?”

  1. Samdani says:

    Just came back here thru search to see how many people had voted for sectarian violence as the big story. With the savage attack in Peshawar it takes on new importance. With the global politics what it is, this has potential to really tear us apart.

  2. […] All Things Pakistan puts up a poll to find which events and trends from 2006 are most likely to leave a lasting impact on Pakistan politics and society. See the results to find out the winners. Shirazi of The Light Within lists top ten posts of the Pakistan blogosphere. […]

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